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Replica Bags John Lewis is trialling a new service that will pay you for old clothes (Image: Getty)Get money updates directly to your inboxSubscribeSee our privacy noticeMore newslettersIf all goes to plan, customers will be able to sell any unwanted clothing replica bags from china bought from the high street chain with all payments made immediately, regardless of the item’s condition.Hidden treasures that could earn you a mint and you probably have a few of them in your homeJohn Lewis said the app buy replica bags online based service will link to a list of what the customer has bought from replica designer backpacks John designer replica luggage Lewis over the past five years. It’ll then value these items to give it an exchange price.For example, a pair of trainers bought in 2017 for would get while a bra bought for in 2015 would be To return items, customers will have to select the products they want to sell to get an upfront luxury replica bags price.Once a customer has a minimum of worth of clothing to sell a courier will then collect 7a replica bags wholesale them within three hours.As soon as the products have been collected, the customer will be best replica bags emailed a John Lewis e gift card for the value of replica bags the items they have sold.Items bought back are then either resold, mended so they can be resold, or recycled into new products.How to declutter: best tips to clear your home and lower the stress in your lifeMartyn White, sustainability manager at John Lewis said: “We already take back used sofas, beds, and large electrical items such as washing machines and either donate them to charity, or reuse and recycle parts and want to offer a service for fashion products.””It’s estimated that the average UK household owns around worth of clothes, but around 30% of that clothing has not been worn for at least a replica bags year, most commonly replica designer bags wholesale because it no longer high quality replica bags fits.”All customers need to do to earn money from their unwanted clothing is tap on the clothing they want to sell, hand it to a courier and it will be given to replica bags china someone else to love or made into something new.”Read replica wallets MoreeBay seller tipsThe firm said if successful, the next stage will be to offer an option for customers to donate the money to charity.John Atcheson, chief executive of Stuffstr, said: “We’re excited to be working with John Lewis on this new service. Every item has value, even old socks, and we want to make it as simple as possible for John Lewis customers to benefit from their unwanted clothes.”This service gives customers an incentive to buy high quality, longer lasting products, and buying such products is a win for both customers and the environment.”Subscribe to our newsletterEnter emailSubscribeallMost ReadMost RecentEnergy billsApply now for 140 off your winter energy bill, but you’ll need to be fast to get it Warm Home Discount explainedThe scheme launched in April 2011 and offers the most vulnerable people a reduction on their energy bills over the coldest months, but it’s not open long Replica Bags.